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Defensive Driving: Tips to Avoid a Car Accident in Pennsylvania

22 Oct 2020, by Christian Lautenschleger in Personal Injury
Defensive Driving Tips to Avoid a Car Accident in Pennsylvania image

Written by Timothy Czekaj

Thousands of serious car accidents happen every year in Pennsylvania. Many of these accidents involve drivers who did nothing wrong, but are still badly injured. Sometimes it can be impossible to avoid an accident caused by a careless or reckless driver. However, there are also many near miss car accidents that were avoided by vigilant and responsible drivers.

Our attorney have years of experience representing car accident victims. We understand how careful drivers can avoid car accidents, or at least act in a manner that makes a collision much less deadly. We have noticed numerous defensive driving tips that can help protect you and your family from being badly injured due to a negligent driver.

Contact Czekaj Law, LLC to speak with a Pennsylvania attorney about staying safe on the roads throughout our community. Do not hesitate to speak with us if you or a loved one have been hurt in a traffic accident that was caused through no fault of your own. Feel free to call our office today at (717) 275-9770.

Anticipate The Reckless Drivers Who Can Cause A Wreck

It’s possible to consider the movements of other drivers. Many drivers around you may appear to be careful and follow the law, but others may not. While it’s not possible to exactly predict the future, defensive drivers can predict which other drivers are most likely to cause an accident. This means that you are doing more than simply following the law. You’re also consciously remaining extra vigilant around drivers who seem particularly reckless. Be on the lookout for drivers who are doing the following:

  • Speeding
  • Swerving suddenly between lanes
  • Failing to use turning signals
  • Drifting in and out of their lane
  • Using their mobile phones
  • Eating or even applying makeup
  • Engaging in intense conversations with their passengers

Know How To Work Around Your Blind Spot

Every driver and their car is different. Blind spots are areas around your vehicle that you cannot easily see. It’s important to understand that something might be in one of your blind spots. Defensive drivers know that they cannot solely rely on their mirrors. You may have to physically turn your head and shoulders in order to see certain spots. This is especially true when making a lane change or turning onto another street or into a parking spot. Consider the following vulnerable blind spots:

  • The sides of your car – Something can be so close to you that it becomes impossible to see with your side mirror. Just behind your rear right tire is the biggest blind spot for most drivers.
  • In front of your car – The average driver cannot see the ground within six feet in front of their vehicle. It’s important to consider that objects may be there, especially when driving through parking lots or alley ways.
  • Directly behind your car – It can be impossible to see other cars that are immediately behind you. Make sure that you can see a car in your overhead mirror before pulling in front of them in their lane.

Don’t Drive If You Are Suffering From Sleep Deprivation

It’s common knowledge that drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol cause many terrible car accidents in Pennsylvania every year. This is often due to the reduced reaction time or even because they fall asleep behind the wheel. However, exhausted or sleep deprived drivers also have a tendency to fall asleep while driving. Many people do not realize the tremendous danger of driving while tired and on the verge of falling asleep. You may feel as though you won’t have trouble making it to your destination even if you are very tired. However, sleep deprivation can make defensive driving much more difficult or even impossible. Exhausted drivers are limited due to the following:

  • Limited vision – Tired drivers have difficulty when sun light or headlights hit their field of vision. The contrast between light and dark at night can be particularly challenging if you are sleep deprived.
  • Reduced reaction time – Your ability to notice dangers, and then to react to them, is reduced if you are suffering from sleep deprivation. Defensive driving can be physically impossible if you are exhausted.
  • The risk of falling asleep – Hundreds of serious wrecks happen on Pennsylvania roads every year when drivers nod off. Even falling asleep for two seconds will result in your vehicle traveling hundreds of feet before you regain control.

Czekaj Law, LLC Can Help You After A Car Accident

Defensive drivers can reduce the likelihood of being hit by a careless or reckless driver while on the roads. You can defend yourself from negligent drivers by staying focused on your driving while behind the wheel. Too many drivers fail to pay attention as they are distracted by their phones, their passengers, or even by consuming food or drink as they drive. Being focused on the road can help you better predict the actions of drivers who you notice to be speeding or swerving. It’s not always possible to avoid an accident, but defensive drivers can take many steps to reduce their chances of being in a terrible collision. If you or a loved one have been hurt in a traffic accident due to someone else’s negligence, do not hesitate to contact your lawyer.

Contact Czekaj Law, LLC to speak with a knowledgeable Pennsylvania car accident attorney. Our firm can help you navigate the entire legal process necessary to recover compensation from the responsible party. Call our office today at (717) 275-9770.