Family Law Attorney
Serving Perry County, Juniata County, and New Bloomfield, PA
Caring for your family and loved ones may be the most important thing in your life, but that doesn’t mean it will always be easy. Having thoughtful and considerate people by your side during difficult times is important for yourself and your family. If you’re arranging for child custody or support, ending a marriage, or dealing with court issued protective orders, an experienced Pennsylvania family attorney can help you achieve your desired outcome.
A family law attorney from Czekaj Law, LLC can help you succeed in the stressful and confusing family law court system. You need a compassionate and dedicated advocate working for you. Contact a family law attorney at (717) 275-9770 to find out how we can help you.
Family Law Issues We Handle
There are many different situations that can lead someone to family court. A family court lawyer may deal with divorce or separation issues, or with the challenges of child custody or adoption. Some of the cases we work on in Juniata County, Perry County, and neighboring counties include:
- Divorce – When deciding to end your marriage, issues such as property division and childcare are at the forefront. There are various approaches to conducting a divorce, and you want an approach that is easiest and the most effective for your situation. With a dedicated divorce lawyer, you can approach this difficult time with confidence.
- Child Custody – You need a skilled and experienced lawyer who understands Pennsylvania child custody law. An experienced New Bloomfield family lawyer can make sure that the right custody agreement is reached for you and your child.
- Child Support – In a divorce with children, child support is often considered the most important issue. Knowledge of the law will allow for your attorney to properly navigate this complex process. Our firm has the ability to successfully address this issue and find an ideal solution for all parties.
- Protection Orders / Domestic Violence / PFA – If you are the victim of domestic violence, you need an attorney who will work diligently without delay to make sure you are safe. Time is also of the essence if you have been served with a Protection Order, and we know how to address these issues appropriately and quickly.
- CYS / CPS – Being contacted by Children & Youth, also known as Child Protective Services, can be a frightening and intimidating situation. We understand that Pennsylvania law is meant to serve the best interests of you and your child. You have rights, and as a parent it is vital that you have an attorney who can fight to make sure that your rights are protected.
- Adoption – Pennsylvania law has a number of requirements which must be completed before an adoption can be final. It is important to have an adoption attorney who understands this process and who can help your growing family quickly and easily achieve its goals.
We can also help with other family legal issues. With knowledge of the Pennsylvania family courts, we are able to navigate the complex legal system in Perry County, Juniata County, and surrounding counties. If you need help with a family legal case, call us today at (717) 275-9770 .
Family Law/Domestic Relations in Central Pennsylvania
Family legal disputes can be very complex since they often involve many different aspects of the law. Family law cases include issues of divorce, child paternity, child support, child custody and visitation, and adoption. Your family attorney can help you through the system if you find yourself in a domestic relations case in Central Pennsylvania. Each case will be different depending on the parties involved and each of their individual goals.
Many cases involve a similar court process with the filing of initial paperwork, such as a petition or complaint, and hearings. Family law issues have a great deal of forms and paperwork that must be completed throughout the court process. These forms become valuable pieces of evidence in your case, and they must be filled out properly. Hearings often occur in a courtroom in front of a judge, who may listen to your attorney and others present information. That information will be used to develop an order that will define the judge’s decision in your case.
In Pennsylvania, each court has its own set of procedures regarding deadlines and which documents are required. Although Juniata and Perry Counties are in the same judicial district, share the same judges, and have similar procedures, their courthouses are separate. The Perry County courthouse is located on East Main Street in New Bloomfield, PA, and the Juniata County Courthouse is located at Bridge and Main Streets in Mifflintown, PA. Your family lawyer can help you through the system if you find yourself in a domestic relations or family law case in Central Pennsylvania.
Our Skilled Family Law Attorney Can Help You
Addressing family legal issues can be very difficult since these issues involve many different and complex aspects of the law. In order to improve your likelihood of a successful outcome during these stressful and deeply personal situations, it is important to have an attorney who understands the legal processes of family law in Central Pennsylvania. Czekaj Law, LLC offers you and your family a caring and experienced approach to family law issues. Call your New Bloomfield lawyer today at (717) 275-9770 to begin.