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Common Documents You May See in a Personal Injury Claim

05 Oct 2020, by Christian Lautenschleger in Personal Injury
Common documents you may see in a personal injury claim

Written by Timothy Czekaj

Personal injury claims generally involve significant amounts of documentation. Every party will be working to reduce their liability to pay you damages. For this reason it’s very important to gather all of the evidence necessary to build a strong case for the damages that you need.

Documentation in your personal injury claim will be able to demonstrate both the other party’s negligence as well as the harm that you have suffered as a result. Do not delay in contacting a skilled personal injury attorney after being hurt through no fault of your own. The details of your accident may be complex, and you need knowledgeable legal counsel to help you through every aspect of your claim.

Contact Czekaj Law, LLC to speak with one of our Pennsylvania personal injury lawyers today. We have represented many accident victims, and we know what’s necessary to make sure you recover all the compensation you deserve. Call our office at (717) 275-9770.

Medical Documentation Regarding The Injuries You Sustained

Your claim for damages requires being able to demonstrate the harm that you sustained. This not only means descriptions of injuries, but also the specific medical costs associated with your injuries. Medical documentation is essential to proving the financial harm you experienced due to the other party’s actions. The liable parties in your case can be required to compensate you for all of your doctor visits needed after an accident. However, the insurance providers involved in your case will aggressively work to keep their costs down. Therefore, the more medical documentation you can provide to your lawyer, the better your case for damages will be. These documents include:

  • Bills from doctor’s visits after the accident
  • Costs of medication required due to your injuries
  • Receipts and documents for equipment needed to help in your recovery
  • Doctors’ assessments on future medical costs related to your injuries
  • Bills for physical and emotional therapy needs

Police Statements And Reports From Your Accident

Police officers responding to the scene of an accident file reports detailing what they encountered and their conclusions. For example, a report from a car accident scene may specify the information about a car that swerved into another lane and hit another vehicle. Police reports are great places to begin investigating what exactly happened before your injury. However, a knowledgeable lawyer will understand that a police report is limited and not enough to use when building a winning case. Things to remember regarding a police report involved in your personal injury claim:

  • Nothing is conclusive – The officer may report that person A hit person B, but that’s not enough to prove that person A holds fault.
  • Effort into making the report may have been limited – Police have many responsibilities, and sometimes police reports are very limited or even forgotten by law enforcement. The officers are not required to come to a final conclusion when making an initial report.
  • There may be numerous reports – More than one officer may have written a report about your accident. Fortunately these reports are public information, and your lawyer should be able to easily find them.

Witness Statements

Some accidents have many witnesses who can provide valuable details to a claim for personal injury. These witnesses can corroborate the specifics of your accident. However, witnesses also become very important when they provide testimony that illustrates how the other party was negligent. For example, a witness may describe how someone was behaving recklessly before they caused an accident that resulted in your harm. Your lawyer can work with witnesses to get their statements ready to serve as evidence in your case. You can help your lawyer by making a list of every person who may have witnessed your accident or other important events right before your injury. Try and collect their contact information and any other details that your lawyer requests.

Documentation From Your Employer If You Have Lost Work

Many injury victims are not able to return to work for a long time. Being hurt can result in lost wages that you need to provide for yourself and family while also paying your medical bills. Having documentation that demonstrates your lost wages can be used as evidence regarding the amount of compensation you need. Our attorney gather as much information as possible from the employers of our injured clients. Building a strong case for damages involves much more than simply requesting proof of lost wages due to your accident. You have the right to secure compensation for future wages and earning potential that was lost due to your injury. This requires that you show documentation that illustrates the wages that you might have been able to earn had your accident not occurred. A skilled injury lawyer will work with all parties to gather the documentation that clearly demonstrates how your future earnings have been impacted through the other party’s negligence.

Czekaj Law, LLC Can Help You After An Accident

Many Pennsylvania residents get seriously injured in accidents every day. These involve incidents on the roadways, at work places, and when visiting the property of others. You have the right to seek damages from the negligent party. However, it’s important to gather the necessary documentation needed to prove that the other party was negligent, and that their actions resulted in harm to you. Do not delay in contacting a skilled personal injury lawyer. We understand that the claims process can be very complicated, and you cannot afford to miss out on compensation that you deserve.

To speak with one of our knowledgeable Pennsylvania personal injury attorney, contact Czekaj Law, LLC today. We can help you understand your options during this difficult time. Call our office at (717) 275-9770.